Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Monday, February 3, 2014

Space City Con 2014

January had barely started and I attended my first convention of the year.  On January 4th I went to Space City Con.  Not only did they change venues, they moved further south.

Instead of a cramped hotel in Houston they used the more open facilities of the Moody Garden resort in Galveston, TX to host the show.  This allowed more elbow room as you walked through the show.  This also removed the bottlenecks as people tried to access a panel or move to the autograph area.

The show had a nice line up of guests; many from Babylon 5 and several from Games of Thrones.  While I’m not a huge B5 fan, there were too many notables to pass up. Being a huge Game of Thrones fan, I knew I could not miss the show.  
 As before, many people were cosplaying.  A couple of the more renowned players had tables. Ani-Mia and I chatted about John Barrowman’s autograph. There were several renaissance faire type vendors dealing in corsets or armor or weapons.  A nice mix of artists and even a few authors were also in the dealers’ room.

While I didn’t attend any panels, they looked to be several interesting ones.  Outside, the young ones were gaming with sponge swords and knocking the crap out of each out in an incredible display of excess energy.

Much like the previous show, I got all my autographs within a few hours. For a collector, this is ideal; I can get and get out and move on to other things.
overall a good show and improvement over the previous one.