Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Pisay Pao and Nat Zang Alamo City ComicCon 2016

Nat Zang was quiet. He smiled. We exchanged a few pleasantries. I told him I hoped he didn’t get killed off (very few are safe on this show) and he smiled again. I left.

As I walked up to Pisay Pao, she had just taken a sniff from a small green tube that had the size and shape of an air-borne container.  She shook her head with disgust as the scent abused her nose.  She saw me and her handler and she started laughing.

I assumed it was something innocent while it did look nefarious.  She said it was something that a fan gave her.  So I played it up. Oh yeah, sure, a ‘fan’ gave that suspicious looking item and you just had to sniff.  I’m sure the police will enjoy hearing all about that.  She returned a mock look of shock that would bring the police into this and pleaded her case.

Meanwhile her handler was doubled over in laughter. Apparently, they had discussed the possibility of being mistaken and someone like me walking up at the wrong time.

Pisay assured me it was fake ‘zombie weed’ that was being sold by another Z Nation actor a few tables down.  She mentioned she doesn’t do any of ‘that’ and she doesn’t even smoke even though she is from Seattle. Confused I asked if they outlawed tobacco there.  I misunderstood.  Seattle was very pro-pot and everyone smoked openly – except Pisay.

Pisay was all smiles and energy. She wore the gold outfit in the photo. She also had a blood stained fur wrap on her shoulders that she also wore in a few episodes. She was allowed to borrow it. I’m sure that made the photo ops more fun for fans.

I did ask if she might have another flashback episode.  She smiled but didn’t commit.  I told her it was good to see her in the show again and she thanked me.


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