Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Friday, February 21, 2014

Felix Silla Space City Con 2014

I was getting this autograph for a friend.  He couldn’t make the show so I helped him out.  My friend had an album from Buck Rogers that Gil Gerard and Erin Gray had already signed.  Since it didn’t fit in my backpack, I was going to hold off until the end of the day. I would retrieve it from my car, get the autograph, and then leave for the day.

Best laid plans…

I was done with all of my autographs fairly early.  All I needed was Felix Silla. But he wasn’t at his table.  I assumed he was doing photo ops or panels.  I wandered around for 30 minutes hoping to see him.  No luck.  I actually went outside and snacked and watched people for an hour or so.  It was good to sit and the weather had warmed a little.

When I came back, Felix was there but a fire alarm started.  So I dutifully left.

After 45 minutes or so, the fire alarm was off and the building was ‘okayed’ to reenter.  I went back inside.  Felix was back at his table and just a pair of guys was in front of me.  Great, I thought, I’ll be done in a minute. Then the wife and I could find some place nice to eat.

After 5 minutes of side conversation between the guys, I asked if they were in line. They didn’t seem to be looking over the photos. They told me there were in line.

They spent another 10 minutes or so pointing at photos and every now and then ask a question to Felix. They even asked Gil Gerard a question who was sitting next to Felix but no decision was made.  They paused and looked over Gil’s selection of photos.

My feet were hurting.

Gil saw the album in my hand and commented on it. I showed it to him.  He mumbled something appreciatively.  He them turned back to the guys and asked if they made a decision yet.  He said something, like it can’t be that hard.  It really appeared they were just enjoying talking to each other and reminiscing.

Felix was patient. I was patient but I was ready to call it a day. And Gil was patient but he understood a line was building and Felix wasn’t making any money.

 The guys finally decided on a photo; one photo between them. Probably took 30 minutes to choose one photo.

Once they left, I stepped up. Gil just shook his head in wonder and Felix just soldiered forth.  I handed over the album cover. Felix signed. I took a quick photo and left for the day.

Best laid plans.



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