Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


Wow, that title has a lot of acronyms…that is Mystery Science Theater 3000 San Diego ComicCon.

The Shout! Booth had a signing for MST3K. All you needed to do was buy some MST3K merchandise. I bought a bottle opener.

And that opened my opportunity to get the mini poster signed. ‘Opened’ get it?  See what I did there…I used the bottle opener to open an opportunity… Hey folks, the jokes are just as bad on MST3K. You should be rolling on the floor with that…

I digress.  I got to the Shout! Booth early. They told me to come back about 15 minutes before the signing. Oh how naïve they are.  By then they will be drowning in nerds. They have been at SDCC a very long time. They should know better.

One we got past the line management issues and setting up the booth for the signing after the start time, and doing a press interview to delay the start time more, things went swimmingly. (See, I did it again: drowning/swimmingly… phooey on all of you…)

They rushed us through. That was okay; I had other places to be.

It was a good signing, and considering the cramped location, it’s amazing I have 8 signatures on the poster.  I think I correctly identified the named and locations. And NO, Patton Oswalt was NOT there. I guess the next time he comes to town I can try to get his ‘graph.

Felicia Day (middle left), Rebecca Hanson (middle right), Joel Hodgson (center), Jonah Ray (bottom middle center), Baron Vaughn (bottom left middle), Hampton Yount (lower center), Tim Ryder (lower right), puppeteer Grant Baciocco (Bottom right)


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