Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Ethan Peck 10 Things and some more DragonCon 2019

Did you know Ethan Peck was in the TV series version of 10 Things I Hate About You?  I didn’t recognize him until his Spock Beard was gone. The Wife and I really enjoyed that show.

Also, he is Gregory Peck’s grandson.  How about that?

I geeked out on him. I didn’t fanboy. I was coherent and calm. I just geeked on him. I confused him with details.  He was very friendly and he chatted with everyone. I caught him when his line was empty. I did admit I hadn’t seen Discovery yet. I told him I was looking forward to it.

One of the things I found curious was how the Spock/Pike relation was going to play out. Pike is someone that Spock was willing to die for (The Menagerie). They have a close personal relationship; especially for someone that controls his emotions in typical Vulcan fashion. For the series you have to show that relationship but not get too deep because you can’t overshadow the relationship that Spock and Kirk had. Spock did die for Kirk and put this life on the line multiple times. Spock has claimed he had never been closer to anyone than Kirk.

Discovery either has to ignore Star Trek and Spock/Kirk, or not develop a close friendship between Spock/Pike, or tread gently as they develop the Spock/Pike relationship.

Of course, this is important to me but I have never seen Discovery. I have no clue how the show handled any screen time between Pike and Spock. I have no idea if Spock will be in any future episodes to even develop a Spock/Pike relationship.

As I took a breath, I’m sure Ethan wondered about my sanity. He looked me in the eyes and made sure I was listening. Very seriously he told me that Discover was 10 years before Kirk.  I smiled. I see that I confused him. I let him know that I understood the timeline.  I realized I have thought about this WAY more than he has. In fact, he doesn’t need to think about this at all. It’s a TV show and I’m a nerd. I’m making a mountain out of a mole hill Like I said I geeked out.

To lead us out of this topic, I told him I needed 2 photos signed. One was for me and the other for a co-worker in Canada.  My co-worker has really enjoyed the show. Between our work-related emails, we sneak in some chit-chat about hobbies and of course Trek. It’s just another way that Trek is International and bridges gaps.

Ethan liked that and for my co-worker, he added a quote to the photo: Rage is the Enemy of Logic

A nice way to end the time we had.  I walked off with a smile.


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