Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Mark Steger Stranger Things DragonCon 2019

I picked up Mark Steger autograph on Sunday. I had passed his table a few times.  While his line wasn’t long, there seemed to be people in it most of the time.

When I walked up, we exchanged helloes.  I found the photo I wanted signed quickly but I got side tracked by another.

It was a photo from I am Legend with Will Smith. I really liked that movie. Mark played a ‘vampire’ on the operating table.  When I pointed out the photo, he asked if I knew anything about the movie. Not sure where he was going, I let him talk.  He said the movie was made once before and called Omega Man with Charleston Heston.

I told him I really like that version too.

The ball was in my court and I lobbed it back to him and said Vincent Price did a movie version too. it was called Last Man on Earth.   Mark nodded that I was correct.  I paused and waited to see if he had the next link.  He was quiet.

So I told him the Vincent Price movie was pretty close to the book, I am Legend by Richard Matheson. Matheson also wrote the Incredible Shrinking Man and Legend of Hell House.

Then he talked me into taking a selfie with him. I think I impressed him with my I am Legend knowledge.


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