Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Monday, November 4, 2019

John Leguizamo Winspear Sept 2019

Sometimes your plan doesn’t work because the celeb is just a regular guy.

I arrived to the Winspear early to try to get John Leguizamo’s autograph. And I waited. Waiting is normal. It’s part of the process.  As you wait, you watch the clock. There is a point when the celeb will show up but they won’t have time to sign as they need to get on stage.

That deadline went and left.  Then you doubt yourself and think you missed the celeb. Now you wait until the show is over to catch them as they leave.  As we saw the crowds leave, we got antsy because we were tired and ready to go home but didn’t want to miss John again.

As traffic clogged the streets with happy fans, one of my buddies got a text.  Our buddy was told that John was selling his book and signing in the lobby. This is good news as we now just needed to get in that line.

I bought one of John’s comicbooks to get signed.  I already had a photo printed.   As the line moved, we saw that John was personable and doing selfies and seemed to be enjoying himself.

One of my buddies talked about the John Wick movies.  I mentioned Spawn and then handed over an Ice Age photo. An odd juxtaposition of movies. He handled it well.

As we were leaving from the theater. We saw the black SUV with the driver f or John at the front. It wasn't at the stage door. It looks like John had walked into the theater from the front with the crowds. And he was planning on leaving that way too.  He’s a man of the people.


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