Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Monday, March 23, 2020

Hank Aaron NSCC Cleveland 1997

Since autograph hunting is very slow right now, I’ve asked Mr. Peabody to use the WABAC machine to review some older graphs I‘ve collected….

When I was a kid, my Dad called me downstairs to watch something on TV. It wasn’t the Phillies so I wasn't sure why it was on. Who watched the Braves back then? He said something important was about to happen.  I sat on the bottom step and watched the living room TV. Then I saw Hank Aaron hit his 715th home run. Dad was right, something important did happen.

24 years later, I attended the ‘97 National.  I picked up a bunch a signatures. Hank Aaron was the last one I got from that long weekend. He had a slow line. I was in the back of the line.  
I’ve referenced this autograph before. I explained that I stressed out while in line. It was late on a Sunday and my flight was getting close.  I had to return the rental car and get to the airport. While the convention center is basically next to the airport, it’s still a timing issue.

I’m sure I fretted and shuffled my feet incessantly. I’m sure I looked at the time ever few minutes. There is no doubt I counted how many people were in front of me and how long each signature took.
After 2 or more hours, I had my chance.  He signed for me. 

He looked tired. His signature looked tired.  Then I did something I very rarely do. I paid for the ‘certification’. In 1997, certification companies came and went with every season. I have no idea which company it was. I’m sure they are long gone and forgotten. I might still have the paper certificate somewhere but it’s not worth digging for it.

Looking over the ball now, the signature isn’t as bad as I thought at the time.  I expect my vision was tired from the stress.


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