Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Friday, August 27, 2021

I need salt! Sandy Gimpel Vegas 2021

Sandy Gimpel played two different iconic characters in Star Trek.  She was one of the Talosians in The Cage and she was also the Salt Vampire in Man Trap. Of course, you don’t recognize her as her face was fully covered.

And speaking of not recognizing her, she does not look her age in the slightest. She looked only slightly older than me. Yeah, I know, I’m old. But I watched her when I was in Grade School. Add to that, she moved around with more energy than I had.  And add to that, she is a stunt women. She has put a lot of hard miles on that body. I’m jealous.

Even though this photo is in black and white, I loved that I can see her face and her costume.  She was very friendly and as with the other original series actors, I was very happy to get her autograph.


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