Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Mudd’s Woman Maggie Thrett Vegas 2021

One of the high priorities for me at this convention was the Original Star Trek actors. I rarely see them listed anywhere. Naturally I was excited to see

Maggie Thrett’s name listed for the Vegas show. She played Ruth, one of the ladies looking for a husband in Mudd’s Women.

The guy in front of me was excited too. He crouched in front of her and started asking a lot of questions. Basically, he was interviewing her: how did you get in character for the part, how did you feel about the costume, what was the audition like…

Maggie was patient and while she didn’t have any long involved answers, she tried to give him something. I think everyone relaxed once he left.


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