Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Sunday, May 29, 2011

SDCC letter of the day E for Eat

You are what you eat.
Garbage in Garbage out.
Pretty simply.
As I mentioned before you will be burring through the calories at ComicCon.  If ComicCon was 365 days a year we would all be in great shape except for the fact of what we eat when we are there.
Are you a donut and coffee morning person? Funoins and Pepsi?  You might want to rethink that.
You want carbs as you are burning them off. You also want some protein to help balance the sugars and the mood swings. I’m not an expert but you don’t need to be emotionally ping ponging all day long because of junk food.
Eat breakfast – or if you are going to the show very early, then have a snack bar that is a meal replacement. I’m not meaning make the snack bar a replacement for a meal but get a snack bar that has enough nutrition in it to replace a meal.
I carry several bars with me every day. I have one what is tasty (mostly flier and nuts) and the other that is mostly protein. I’ll eat something on the trolley ride to the convention center and drink my bottled water.
And a few hours later (9AM-ish), I’ll eat some more while waiting in line. 
Since I’m on the go most of the day I’ll be eating more bars for lunch and my mid-afternoon snack.
I’ll leave the convention center for a good dinner around 6PM-ish.
At the convention center you can get your fill of hot dogs, cookies, and pizza. They even have some salads. They serve water, soda, and some Gatorade type drinks.  The lines are very long around meal time.  I hate waiting 45 minutes when I’m hungry and cranky to get some junk food especially when I have places to go and people to see.
So learn to eat at non-peak time (and any time between 1PM to 5PM is peak times) or bring your own.
There are small convenience stores near the Gas Lamp District. A short walk will get your there. Or you can hire a taxi. If your hotel is further out, you can find a grocery store and stock up. The hotel I stayed at has a grocery store about 4 blocks away.
There are many places to eat in the Gas Lamp District (just across the street from the convention center). If you want something casual and fairly quick, try the subway. If you want casual and a waiter, try Dick’s Last Resort. And if you want fine dining, they have that too. I love the Strip Club. It’s not that kind of place.  It’s a restaurant where you actually cook your own steaks. If you want quirky and ComicCon-ish – Try Café Diem (AKA Mary Jane’s). The theme is based on the SyFy channel’s Eureka restaurant.
I reserve these places for my dinners. It’s my chance to get off my feet and relax and catch up with friends. After an hour of sitting I’m usually recharged for the evening activities.


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