Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Saturday, June 4, 2011

SDCC letter of the day L for Line

I posted previously about lines.  I really do mean embrace your Inner Cow. SDCC has lines everywhere.
Just get used to the idea now. Yes, all of those local shows you’ve been to never had lines like these. You never had to wait so long with so many weird people. They won’t let you sit in line. They won’t let you use a chair. They won’t let you in or out of a line. They won’t…
It's San Diego ComicCon. Welcome to the Big Leagues. Those lines are from other people wanting to experience the same thing as you. They know how awesome SDCC is and they are willing to camp out all night to ensure getting into Hall H. They don’t think anything about a 3 hour line to see the panel in Ballroom 20.  Will your local show have the cast members of Lost while it’s still filming?  Will your local show sit 7000 for movie previews?  Will your local show hand out exclusive swag for that preview? 
So just think about that.  You wanted to be here. Now embrace your Inner Cow and prepare to wait.
Don’t let the frustration of being trapped in a line prevent you from enjoying yourself.  You are trapped with others. Chances are that you have some common interests since you are in the same line.
I’m bad. I listen in on others conversations all of the time. And I’ll join in while I’m in line.  It helps to make friends and to pass the time.
Lines are a great way to people watch. Keep your camera ready. A quick – can I take your picture? Will get people to stop and pose.  To quote Rachel Ray – How cool is that?  You are now multi-tasking.  That’s a valuable business skill you are practicing. Let your boss know you’ve been being training hard for the job.  I bet he’ll like those photos too.
Lines are hard to find the beginning and the end. I often ask people near the front what line they are in. Then after 50 people or so I verify again. Sometimes the line took a turn and you missed it. Or the people are lost themselves.
If you see a line queued for now reason – go find out. It might be something really cool and unannounced.
Standing in line for autographs or redemptions – if THEY say you need a ticket – you need a ticket. You can’t talk your way into a line or pass someone.  They have multiple people check for your ticket.  I have seen a few people get really upset that they couldn’t talk their way pass someone. And I’m happy they couldn’t. 
Realize you will be lines. Embrace your Inner Cow and enjoy the show.


  1. I have been reading your "letter" posts with interest. You have a very Zen-like attitude. I don't do the autograph thing, but I think I embrace my "inner cow" whenever I have to stand in a line of more than 3 people. It does work.

    Great advice. And are you actually at the Con or are these lessons from past experience?

  2. GG - The Inner Cow is from years of beat downs from various conventions and events.
    The rest is from my previous experiences at ComicCon.
    SDCC starts 7/20/11. While I have tickets, flight, and hotel – the new job may cause me to cancel.
