Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Cleaning up the Twit account

I was slow to get into Twitter.  I didn’t and still don’t understand the need to inform the world of your bowel movements or what you’re eating for dinner.

I joined the Twitter-verse to get my blog out into the ether called the Internet and reach more readers.  It was not my intention to let you know what my meal looked like before and after digestion.

I also used Twitter to follow celebs and authors that sometimes popped up in the DFW area without fanfare.  Sometimes you got a heads up a day or two in advance.  Some I followed just for SDCC info.  At times I found twitter useful.

As I slowly learn to swim around in Twitter, I got followers.  I followed the example I learned from Action Flick Chick. Excitedly, I followed them all back. There were a few exceptions  - people that were clearing selling something.

As my followers increased, I found Twitter less and less useful. The erosion was gradual and I hardly noticed.  Many of MY followers were self-promoting.  I don’t mind that.  Really. It’s the same thing I was doing.

For some, the self-promotion was 10 Twits an hour. Maybe 10 hours each day.  I had several people Twitting like that. Basically I was being spammed.  I check Twitter once or twice a day. I would spend 20 minutes passing through the spam. I would miss things I were interested because of all of the noise.

I made a decision. I would ’unfollow’ some of the offenders.

Wow, what a difference.  I started seeing Twits from people I forgot I was following.  I started enjoying Twitter again. It was becoming useful again.

These offenders ‘unfollowed’ me within minutes of my action.  Obviously I was not important to them.  I was just a number on their profile.  Yes, I could create filters and lists and avoid them.  But that was just a way to circumvent the reality of inviting spammers into my life.

While my number of followers shrank, my enjoyment increased. An interesting lesson there. One I often have to learn again and again.
That's my present to you - clean up your Twitter.
Merry Christmas

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