Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Katie Cassidy – Fan Expo Dallas 2016

The line for Katie Cassidy was long but it was moving. When I finally got to the front of the line, I was given a big smile. It’s a great smile. A melting smile.  However, I was quickly distracted by all of the rings she was wearing.  All very delicate filigree rings on the various sections of her fingers.

I commented on the pretty rings. I wanted to take a photo of just the rings as I knew the wife would love seeing them. Katie mentioned she had even bought one of them the day before while shopping in Dallas. Again, I wished the wife was there so she could ask where.



  1. So you were taken with her and sure the rings too ;-)

    1. i wish i could come up with some witty repartee...but you got me. :)
