Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Ghosted – cast signing mini poster SDCC 2017

While Thursday started strong, it finished with a whimper. The Fox booth was using a coin flip phone app.  You called ‘heads’ or ‘tails’ and then touched the screen. If you won, you told them which signing you wanted.  50/50 chance. While we got in line for the Fox drawings early, none of use won a raffle ticket.  I had wanted ‘Legion’.  Oh well.  The length of the Fox line was a mile long (only a slight exaggeration), going to the end of the line to try again was not an option.

I was also too late to get a wristband for Ivan Reitman (director – Ghost Busters) at the IDW booth.  As I mentioned, I had missed Alison Haislip before a panel she was on. I had used my luck with ‘It’. 

Fox does an unofficial standby line. As with anything, people start to expect it and demand it and more chaos ensues.   While I officially lost to get a Fox winning ticket, I was planning on doing stand by a few times at their booth.

I did manage to get in the Ghosted line. Yeah! There were more people in the standby line than the official line. I could tell already, this weekend the Fox standby line was going to be nasty. However, the cast from Ghosted still had energy as we walked pasted them to get our signed posters. Scott (top left), Craig Robinson (top right), Ally Walker (bottom center), Tom Gormican (lower right), Kevin Etten (lower left)

I did attempt the Legion standby line. The area was packed with people and I heard security shouting and even the heard the Fox people saying the line (and Standby) was capped.  At that point my Thursday was over and went back to the hotel for a few hours of sleep before getting in the line for Friday.


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