Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Monday, January 8, 2018

Dean Cameron Rockula Horror Con 2017

Another day, another con. Saturday we were at Alamo City ComicCon and Sunday we were at Rockula. This was also in San Antonio, just a few miles away from each other.

A very different feel and experience between.  Alamo city was in an arena. Rockula was in 2 hotels. I have no problem with a competition of conventions. As an autograph collector, short term selfishness loves that they were on the same week as I can be very productive.  I saved money on the drive and hotel. Selfishly, if they compete for better and better guests, I reap the benefits.

Then reality sets in. Neither show was earth shattering.  Neither show was ‘packed’. Neither show had OMG Celeb. Yes, I enjoyed the additions to my collection. Long term, I wonder what the shows will provide as a follow up.

However, this post is about Dean Cameron who is in another of the movies The Wife and I always stop down on: Summer School.

You know you are getting old when the youthful actors are greyer than yourself. Dean was nice. We chatted about Summer School. We chatted about the silliness of the movie and how in some ways, it hasn’t aged. We chatted about some of the other actors.


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