Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Monday, September 17, 2018

SDCC 2018 epilogue: read my lips

As I mentioned, I was sick this year. That was a first for me. And actually, I’m surprised. Over 13 shows, I would have expected to be either sick, in the beginning stages, or the dregs at least once before.

Because of my cold, I know I walked a lot less this year than last. The phone’s pedometer had my steps higher. This year, my phone was ‘on’ the whole day. In previous years, I would turn it off to save the battery.  This year’s count is more accurate.

This year was less of a physical beating. I spent fewer hours standing on concrete each day. It was easier on the back, hips, knees, and feet. I could also attribute that to being 10 pounds lighter than last year. Or walking DOWN (not up) 15 to 20 flights of stairs each work day. Or sleeping in a real bed in a hotel next to the convention center. Or the meds I got for the cold.

There have been several times over the last 14 years that I was planning to ‘quit’ ComicCon. After my first year, I thought I was one and done but The Wife really wanted to go as I had so much fun.

A few years after I had no plans to attend but a college buddy asked if I would go with him.

Another year, we talked ourselves into taking a friend’s kid.

When I was laid off, I didn’t expect to go. The Wife thought it would be good for my morale. She was right.

The Con has gotten harder and harder to get autographs. When I first started, my single goal was Ray Bradbury.  If you told me I would end up getting in line at 8PM and sleeping on the sidewalk, I would have thought you were crazy. The classic ‘slippery slope’. It slowly morphed into that to get the CHANCE to get the desired autographs.

While no other show is like SDCC, there are other intriguing shows to see and attend.  London Film & CC and NYCC call my name. I think Atlanta’s Walker Stalker would be a disappointing and frustrating zoo but I want to go.  Even the blood feud with Salt Lake doesn’t deter me from wanting to see SLCC for myself. I think Phoenix CC would be a blast. Oh, and I want go back to DragonCon and spend the whole weekend there. Maybe I’ll even venture to Vegas for Creation’s Star Trek extravaganza even though I really don’t like Creation.

Over the last few years, my lips have muttered the mantra: Never again. Then as the pain fades, I revisit my conquests, and write this blog, I get excited. By the time the badge sale is announced my desire grows and I perjure myself.  I have spoken those words again this year. It wasn’t in disappointment but a sense to move on.

The universe does like tempting you. It’s not out of cruelty but curiosity. It wants to see how you react. Next year is SDCC 50th. I have an old coworker that tells me his daughter is planning her first SDCC next year. The list of movies that could have signings is painfully luring. I meet some new people I would like to see again. I missed spending time with people I usually see. And of course, I’ll miss seeing my long time SDCC buddies. 

As of NOW, it is ‘never again’. Au revoir SDCC.


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