Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Monday, November 12, 2018

Brenda Blair Ft Worth Book Festival Oct 2018

After a long hard day of hunting, I took a trip to Ft Worth. I was looking for a friend I have known for a while now. I found her at her table quietly looking at her phone.  As I approached, she looked up and gave me a smile.  It was the polite smile you give all strangers.  Then she looked away – just for a heartbeat - then she turned back with a huge surprised smile of recognition.

She was in Ft Worth doing a book fair/festival to promote several of her books. This was why I was there. I was finally going to get a book signed by her.

Yes, I embarrassed her. Yes, I wanted her to be slightly embarrassed. I am so proud that she has done something that many people attempt but never accomplish. She has taken an idea and translated it into a book. Something as easy as that; however, so many people fail for a myriad of reasons.

She signed and we chatted for a while. At the end of the day, we walked out together and I had my signed copy.  It is proudly on my shelf of signed books.


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