Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Garrett Wang DragonCon 2019

Garrett Wang is another actor I have passed a million times at various shows and never picked up the autograph.  I finally stepped up to his table.

If you remember, I mentioned these posting at not chronological. In fact, I had just stepped away from Cooper Andrews table where I ate a very good (and full of sugar) cupful of cobbler. I was on a sugar high when I walked up to Garrett.

The first thing I noticed was the tape on the floor that was to guide the line queue. Instead of the normal straight lines and right angles to lead you to the front of the table, the tape was rearranged into the Starfleet emblem. Garret was chatting with his handler and gave me a big smile.  We shook hands and then a lady walked up. She looked very familiar. Garret excused himself and they hugged and chatted.

I leaned conspiratorially toward the handler and asked if that was Km Rhodes. She quickly nodded yes and then she was drawn into their conversation. They knew each other and were excited to be in Atlanta together.

When Kim left and Garrett came back, the handler recited the back story on how they all met. Then she explained how she got Garrett into being a Supernatural fan. Next time you see Garrett, ask him about it.

The three of us talked about Supernatural for 10 minutes. We talked about Star Trek Voyager for zero minutes. For some reason (I blame the cobbler), I told them how excited I was for meeting Samantha Smith the day before. They seemed surprised she was there too and they got excited.

Once a few Trekkies showed up, we ended our Supernatural mini con and I wandered off.


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