Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Timothy Zahn Order 66 Toy Store Oct 2019

I’ve mentioned before getting signatures at Order 66 Toy Store. It’s a big Star Wars action figure store. If you are a Star Wars fan and in the Dallas area, you should make this a must-see destination. This is their third location in about 5 years. They just opened this new location a few days before this signing.

This day, they had Timothy Zahn signing all day. He writes a lot of Star Wars novels and is a big name in the ‘universe’. Since I had a couple of NON Star Wars books he wrote on my shelves, I went to visit.  When I entered the store, I also bought the new Star Wars book he penned.

Timothy was chatting with another fan.  The owner of the store wandered over to keep me company while I waited.   When I walked up, I handed over my books and mentioned I missed him at DragonCon. He paused.  He goes to DragonCon just about every year.  We chit chatted about DragonCon and Star Wars.

Then I told him that I read the Cobra books decades ago.  Yeah, we are getting old.

It’s always nice to get books you’ve read and enjoyed signed.


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