I don’t recall watching the cartooned version of the Fab 4 when it was on ABC. I do remember seeing it when I visited Grandmom in the early 70’s. She lived near Trenton, NJ out in the country.
I always enjoyed the visits and stays there. It was an incredibly small house but as I kid, I never noticed. She had 7 acres and I would guess a good 5th of it was gardens. She had flower and vegetable gardens, lots of fruit trees, open fields, and a creek. She was surrounded by other farmers. What more could you want?
One of the interesting treats when visiting her was TV. Where
she lived, she could receive BOTH the Philly stations AND the NYC channels. While
I never saw the Twilight Zone series at home, it was on late night in NYC. And another
of these scheduling differences was The Beatles cartoon. Some NYC station showed
them in re-runs. I recall her turning it on and defiantly declaring she liked The
Beatles. Then she, my sister, and I would settle and watch.
These cartoons added a few more songs to my musical Déjà Vu list.
PS When I was teenager and becoming well versed in The
Beatles catalog, I would cut her grass on a riding more. Cutting grass was an endless
chore. Even with the riding mower, it was hours and hours of effort. To bide
the time, I sang songs I more or less knew the lyrics, which of course was The
Beatles. I came into the house one afternoon, drenched in sweat and taking a
break to get some water. Grandmom and my sister were laughing. They heard me
signing over the roar of the mower. I had not realized I could be heard over
the motor and from a distance. A least it was music she liked.
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