Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Friday, July 12, 2024

Susan Sarandon Fan Expo Dallas 2024

The helpers/volunteers at Susan Sarandon’s table, told me I was to be charged extra for wanting to get my own photo signed. I understand the actor charging more for over-sized items or for non-8x10’s items. But my item was an 8x10 and this seemed very odd. I was sure the helpers didn’t understand  their instructions but I wasn’t going to argue.

The table photo was better than my photo. It was an improvement. I usually only like photos with the actor in it but it’s was hard to skip this photo with Kevin Costner.  Who knows, maybe I’ll get him to sign it.

Susan was sitting behind some curtains and they only allowed one fan in at a time. There was plexiglass between her and me. She smiled and asked how I was doing. She then asked if she could add a phrase the photo. I quickly said that would be awesome.  As she finished, I got another big smile and I left very happy I got this signed instead of my photo.


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