Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Monday, September 2, 2024

Bob Gunton Greater Austin ComicCon 2024

Best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.

You might prefer the Scottish that Bobby Burns used: The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men Gang aft agley

Or if you prefer the original Klingon: Qu' nab of tarq 'ej men, pij jah qih

Well, I can’t really say ‘best plain plans’. I had a plan. Not a lot of planning. Mostly it was: wake up, add the address to google maps and drive.

I went to Greater Austin ComicCon to get 3 signatures. Just a 3 hour drive. However, because of the airline software issue, I got one autograph. The other two actors had flight delays and were not there when I was there.  It happens. I’m very happy with the one I got, I just wanted three. The most disappointing part, I didn’t know until after I got there. 

The first and only autograph I got was Bob Gunton. You know him when you see him. He has been in a million shows and movies. I was excited to finally see him at a convention.

I found a great photo from Shawshank Redemption and printed it. I even had a quote. I walked up and he signed. One of the handlers suggested a different quote and we both liked it better.

Then as I was about to start chatting (no one else was in line), a few kids walked up and saw photos from Ghostbusters Afterlife on his table and started peppering hm with questions. That also happens.

So, I didn’t tell him how much I enjoyed Royal Pains or 24.

After the nice buzz of getting this signature, I walked around looking for my other two ‘wants.’ Maybe 15 minutes later I found a place to sit and checked their website.  No updates about the missing actors. Another buddy saw me walking and texted me the bad news. The convention updated their Instagram feed.

I sat and digested that a while and decided to drive home.


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