Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Col Richard Graham Frontiers of Flight Museum 6/22/13

So this Saturday was not only book intensive. It was pilot intensive. After finishing with Buzz Aldrin, I rushed to get Col Richard Graham.

 What I found out about the DFW area, there is quite a few airport museums. I ended up going to the Addison museum instead of the one at Love Field. Lesson learned.   So I ended up driving more than needed. I got to the lecture late.  I bought a couple of books and found a seat.

The lecture (more guide lines I’m bending.  I rarely even want to listen to a talk/discussion/lecture) was actually very good.  I’ve been fascinated by the SR-71 since high school.  It’s big. It’s fast. And it’s still classified.  I was in Tucson for a long time. Tucson hosts the Pima County Air and Space Museum.  My wife got to see me 'geek out' when I saw a SR-71 there.

After the discussion about the SR -71, I met a fellow hound and we got our books signed.  Well, not really signed. The books were pre-signed in the shop.  I did get a book personalized for the wife’s Uncle. He is retired Air Force.  And I got a photo signed.
When he saw the photo, he asked if I was at that lecture. I said no, I found the photo on the Google.  He was surprised things like that could be found there.

A full day of great events. If only I could wrangle a ride in the Blackbird…


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