Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Dee Snider #TFW 2014

I know Dee Snider from Twisted Sister, the wife knows Dee from The Apprentice. Wow, do we live in different worlds, huh? 

Early that Friday night, the line for Dee was long and wrapped around the corner.  Later that night, it was just me. Patience does pay off at times.

Dee signed and there was no missing his biceps.  He worked out and was still physically fit.  I commented the years had been better to him than me. He gave a noncommittal ‘uh’ as he handed back the photo.  I was about to walk away when he clamped his hand on my shoulder.

He looked me in the eyes and started to speak to me. It was a pep talk. He told me I wasn’t too old to get in back shape. I wasn’t too old to take care of myself. He was serious.  He was encouraging me to take back my life. We talked for 2 or 3 minutes.

It was odd but very cool at the same time. He could have just let me walk away. Something made him take a second and grab my shoulder.  I’m not sure if he does this with everyone but I was encouraged and motivated.

That motivation lasted until I went to Denny’s later that night and had pancakes for dinner but I was inspired. And I will get back in shape.


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