Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Emma Caulfield Dallas Fan Day 2015

I’ll admit I’ve a weird dysfunctional relationship with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I think the lead character was miscast.  I think Xander is an unsung hero and the only productive member of humanity on the show. One of the reasons Xander got his act together was his relationship with Anya. So my last autograph of the day was Emma Caulfield’s who played Anya.

At this time of the day, the line wasn’t that long.  Lots of people were getting table photos with her.  Emma was constantly sitting to sign and then standing to pose for a photo. She was getting a good work out.  At the end of the day, you know everyone is tired.

As she stood to pose, she would exchange a few words with the fans. She’d take a second and turn on her smile.  After every 3 or 4 people, she would reapply her lip gloss to ensure she was doing her part to make the photo look good.

When I got my photo signed, I had so much I wanted to say. I wanted to say she brought Xander of the shadows of a cliché character and into a 3D world. But I didn’t. I was also tired and just said thanks and went on my way.



  1. Xander was a dufus. Emma saved the show from being cancelled much sooner.

    1. Leslie, thank you for reading the blog. I hope you a great day.
