Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Ann Robinson War of the Worlds 2019

The 1953 movie, The War of the Worlds, started my lifelong love for reading. I watched that movie whenever it was on TV. It scared, fascinated, and awed me. I would have watched it every day if we had DVDs back then.  Since it was ‘BD’ (Before DVDs), I could only see it on some staticky UHF channel when the program director decided to air it. Seeing it was only 3 or 4 times a year did not state my desire.

When I found out that the movie was based on a book, I convinced Dad to take me to the County Library. I was 10 or 11 years old.  The librarian helped me find HG Wells’ novel and I was happy camper. Well, I was happy until I started reading it. It wasn’t anything like the movie. Well okay, it was like the movie but not what I was expecting. Once I was a 1/3 through the book, I didn’t care about the differences. I was scared, fascinated, and awed.

I‘ve reread that book a few times and many of Wells’ other books. I have been reading sci fi ever since. I still watch The War of the Worlds when I see it on TV.  Knowing that Ann Robinson was appearing at Chiller Theater made me a happy camper. This was special because of connection to the movie and my nerdiness.

Once I wandered around the convention and got my bearings, I found where Ann was going to sign. While she wasn’t there, there was no missing the diorama built at the end of the room for her. It was floor to ceiling and covered the whole back wall of the room. Her handler must have worked all night setting up the display.

When I wandered back, Ann was there looking stylish in her jacket.  Her handler was full of energy and told me what to do and how to do it.  I picked a photo and he told me to hand over my phone.  He warned me that I would regret it in the morning if I didn’t. I laughed and gave him the phone. He took dozens of photos. When we did the selfie, he told me to put my arm around Ann. I felt awkward doing that but Ann was expecting it.

After the photos and the signature, I asked if she really did her own stunts.  She smiled and said no. She added that she was a stuntwoman for a time. Since she could ride a horse, it allowed her to get jobs and her actor’s card.

This was great opportunity to meet someone that had an impacted when I was so young.


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