Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Monday, December 16, 2019

Revenge of the Nerds Chiller Theater 2019

I know I have mentioned it before but because I’m old, I get to repeat myself. Besides, I know none of you pay attention so it doesn’t matter.

The Revenge of the Nerds was filmed at my College. In fact, I was there when they filmed the movie. Not only do I recognize the locations, I saw some of the sets when they were shooting. In fact, I can claim to even know a couple of the extras in the movie. It has a special spot in my heart.

Chiller had a nice reunion of actors from the movie.

Andrew Cassese looked nothing like the child prodigy in the movie. He is now a gown man. When I walked up to the table, he was sitting by himself. I sheepishly asked if he was the actor.  He smiled and said he was really the actor.  We chatted a little and he signed his photo for me.

Larry B Scott was very nice. The thing that surprised me, he was one of the Cobra Kai from Karate Kid. He gained a little weight since filming Revenge.

Donald Gibb still looked big and intimidating.  He was quieter than the rest.

I basically told them all the same thing. I was one campus when the movie was filmed. As always, I wore my UofA shirt, so I pointed to the logo.

It was great to meet these guys and add them to the collection.


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