Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Revenge of the Nerds part II – Chiller Theater 2019

If meeting three nerds wasn’t enough, there’s more!

Both Julie Montgomery and Robert Carradine were in the same room with the other nerds.

Robert was sitting by himself and reading something on his phone. I did not recognize him with long grey hair that covered his face. It wasn’t until another fan walked up and he stood that I made the connection.  He was nice and outgoing. When I mentioned going to the UofA when they filmed, he asked if Dirt Bags was still there.  When I nodded yes, he had a big laugh and called over to Cutis Armstrong and shouted out a drink order.  Robert said that was what they ordered all night long.  He had lots of good times there.

Julie Montgomery sat next to Robert. She looked lovely. She was selling pie plates with her face on them (not her body). It was clever marketing and tempting. I selected a traditional photo instead.

While Curtis and Timothy Busfield were also at this show I didn’t stop at their tables. I have picked up their autographs previously. This was a great show to start a Revenge project poster.


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