Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Revenge of the Nerds part III – Brian Tochi – Chiller Theater 2019

The last of the Revenge of the Nerd autographs I got was Brian Tochi. He and I hit it off. We chatted for 15 minutes or more. He was thrilled I went to the UofA when they filmed. He asked about several locations around town that he visited when they filmed. We talked about how the campus has changed and that the parking lot where the Greek Olympic games was filmed is no longer there.  He loved the city and had been back a few times.

Then we talked Star Trek. He was in the 1968 episode, And the Children Shall Lead. Not the greatest episode but it is memorable. He asked if I knew who Melvin Belli was. I did but I let Brian continue. Not only was Melvin the villain in the show, he was a fairly famous lawyer in real life. he was know for being the The King of Torts, Jack Ruby, and more.

I really enjoyed the time with Brian. He was very outgoing and full of energy. I was so thrilled I actually bought two autographs.


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