Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Monday, September 30, 2013

Mark Cuban Hero’s Celebrity Game 6/22/13

If you live outside of the DFW (Dallas/Ft Worth) area, you might not know who Mark Cuban is. In fact, if you live in the DFW area you might only think of him as the owner of the Dallas Mavericks or the guy on Shark Tank.

He is proof of America’s Exceptionalism. Every few years people like Cuban bubble to the top. I’m not talking about wealth or celebrities but people that have an impact on our lives.  Other countries have someone once a century or maybe a generation; Canada’s Guy Laliberte or England’s Richard Brandson and maybe JK Rowling come to mind.  American produces people like Bill Gates, Michael Dell, and Steve Job regularly.

From Cuban came Audionet, which became, which is how I listen to Phillies games over the internet.  He’s more than just the guy that was on Dancing with the Stars.  And I finally picked up this billionaire’s autograph.

Friday, September 27, 2013

So what’s the deal with…Jerry Seinfeld 6/8/13 Winspear Opera House

I got lost finding the Winspear Opera House.  It didn’t matter. I found out Jerry Seinfeld doesn’t sign before the show anyway.

I waited until after to show to get lost again as I tried to find the sweet spot at the venue to get my photo signed.  A fellow hound helped me by tweeting me with some details on the location.

I got there.  I didn’t need to wait long before Jerry came out.  He signed for everyone.  Maybe 15 of us had waited.  He quickly put pen to photo.

Since I always wear a UofA shirt, I pointed to the logo and said I went to the UofA too as he stopped in front of me.  He nodded and moved on.  Since it was a total non sequitur, it bounced off him and landed on the sidewalk. The statement flapped its broken wings twice and coo’ed quietly before finally being declared dead.

Okay, that did not go according to Hoyle. Even the opening line died but I did get an auto.  And I probably won’t get lost next time.


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Neil Gaiman Majestic theater 6/24/13

Neil Gaiman came to town.  He held a book reading and autograph session at the Majestic Theater in Dallas.  I quickly bought a ticket when I found out about it. The best thing, I also bought a signed book with the ticket.

I could bring another book to get signed. Neil promised to stay until everyone got their books signed.  I dutifully bought a copy of American Gods. Just a paperback.  Not a first edition.  It’s one of the iconic pieces he’s known for.

He is another of my SDCC bucket list signatures.  For years he’s been there but I’ve never had any success.  This was an excellent opportunity to cross him off and relax and enjoy the experience.

I swear the day of the signing was a full moon.  I got there later than I wanted.  Work kept me late and traffic was bad. The evening sun blazed down on us as we waited in line.  Sweat soaked through my shirt. Even when we turned the corner and avoided the glare, it was stifling.  The event started late. Inside the theater, it  was over 80 degrees. I continued to sweat.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Richard Jefferies Frontiers of Flight Museum 6/22/13

I have seen Richard Jefferies at a few local conventions.  He wrote a book about his brother, Matt Jefferies.  The pointed ears of the true geeks out there just perked up.  Yes, Matt Jefferies of Star Trek fame.  The original Star Trek; not to be confused with the other Trek. And don’t even get me started on JJ Abrams’ Trek…The non-geeks out there, as you were, there is nothing to see here. Move along…move along…

Richard was friendly and as I was getting my books for the SR-71 signing, he struck up a conversation.  It was an odd conversation.  I got to know about Richard’s background and travels.  He talked about his brother and at times I was confused about who did what.

He assumed I was a casual fan. As he talked, I could leap ahead and fact checked. I asked some detailed questions to clarify. I’m more than a casual Star Trek fan.  I’ve probably forgotten more…oh you really don’t care.  I enjoyed the conversation and talking Trek but the clock was ticking loudly in my ears.  I needed be at the SR-71 lecture.

I bought a copy of his book. They were well handled.  He’s been lugging them around for a while and it showed.  I didn’t mind.  It was good experience.


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Col Richard Graham Frontiers of Flight Museum 6/22/13

So this Saturday was not only book intensive. It was pilot intensive. After finishing with Buzz Aldrin, I rushed to get Col Richard Graham.

 What I found out about the DFW area, there is quite a few airport museums. I ended up going to the Addison museum instead of the one at Love Field. Lesson learned.   So I ended up driving more than needed. I got to the lecture late.  I bought a couple of books and found a seat.

The lecture (more guide lines I’m bending.  I rarely even want to listen to a talk/discussion/lecture) was actually very good.  I’ve been fascinated by the SR-71 since high school.  It’s big. It’s fast. And it’s still classified.  I was in Tucson for a long time. Tucson hosts the Pima County Air and Space Museum.  My wife got to see me 'geek out' when I saw a SR-71 there.

After the discussion about the SR -71, I met a fellow hound and we got our books signed.  Well, not really signed. The books were pre-signed in the shop.  I did get a book personalized for the wife’s Uncle. He is retired Air Force.  And I got a photo signed.
When he saw the photo, he asked if I was at that lecture. I said no, I found the photo on the Google.  He was surprised things like that could be found there.

A full day of great events. If only I could wrangle a ride in the Blackbird…


Monday, September 23, 2013

Buzz Aldrin CR Smith Museum 6/22/13

A long long time ago, I got Buzz Aldrin to sign a copy of his book, The Return. It was a novel and co-written with one of my favorite sci fi writers, John Barnes.  Not many people were there for that.

Even though I don’t often get multiples (yeah, I break that rule...think of it as more of a guideline than a rule) I couldn’t pass on the chance to get Buzz’s recent book.

Fortunately, since I didn’t know where the American Airlines’ CR Smith museum was, I scoped it out a week before hand and even bought a couple of copies of the book then.  When I arrived on the morning of the signing, not only was there a huge crowd waiting to get in, they were sold out of books.

I didn’t arrive early enough to get a seat though.  So I stood somewhere in the museum where I couldn’t hear or see a thing.  While it would have been nice to hear (again breaking one of ‘guidelines’) what Buzz Aldrin had to say, it wasn’t critical. I was happy knowing I would get my books signed.

I must admit, I took a photo on my camera. Not the greatest photo but decent.  I moved the image from the camera to the computer for safe keeping.  You know, just in case the camera was lost or broke or someone accidently deleted the photo.  I’m sure the photo is still somewhere safe on my computer but I can’t find it. (hey! I found it when I was looking for something else! doesn't it always work that way?)

Buzz signed. Then signed some more. Signed even more. The line moved fairly fast but I was there a while waiting for my turn.  I got to say thank you for the signature.  I wanted to say more but was rushed away.  It’s okay.  I got my signature.


Friday, September 20, 2013

Amanda WB dress lady #SDCC 2013

Okay, I’ve debated what to call Amanda.  What I want to say is: Amanda the Bag Lady.  It’s descriptive and accurate but that appellation does have a diminutive connotation.  It’s slightly clever and I like to think myself slightly clever even at the expense of others.  I have to I admit, even though I barely know her, I respect Amanda too much to let that stand.
2007 - where it all began for AWBBDL

Hence forth she will be called the unwieldy mouthful: Amanda the Warner Bros Bag Dress Lady. AWBBDL for short.

Amanda makes dresses out of the bags that the WB booth gives out.  She does a good enough job that even lowly old me noticed and was impressed.

I first saw Amanda the year she made her first dress.  It was back when the WB booth was a mosh pit. As the bags were given out it was insane. Think of a fire ant hill being knocked over.  These bags are large and hard to get. People swarmed the booth when the bags were handed out.  The uglier side of nerd-dom came out with this prized swag.  Not everyone that ventured into the 'shoving and pushing and elbow flying' crowd got a bag.  If you got a bag, it might be pulled for your hands before you could escape to safety.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tom Batiuk #SDCC 2013

The last thing on my list for SDCC was getting Tom Batiuk’s autograph. Funky Winkerbean is another strip I’m been reading for decades.  Tom canceled his SDCC appear last year, so I was happy to see him re-scheduled for this year.

Sadly, he didn’t have books to purchase at his table.  He mentioned he used to bring books and often they just sat there.  Over the years, he decided to bring a stack of book plates.  This way, if someone like me didn’t have a book, they could still get the book plate signed. And it was no big deal to lug a stack of book plates around all day.

He was friendly.  He was quiet.  I’m at an age that it’s weird to say I’ve been reading your comic since I was a little one. We all know that means decades.  In a way you are saying: Wow, we are old and you’re even older than me.  I said it anyway. He smiled as he knew what I meant.  We were old.  I chatted about Funky a little just so he knew I was a fan.  I left fairly quickly.  My SDCC was officially over.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Seanan McGuire #SDCC 2013

Toward the end of the day Saturday, a longtime friend texted me.  The text was about Seanan McGuire appearing at the California Browncoats booth on the Expo floor.  I blew it off.  I didn’t know Seanan.  My feet hurt.  And the California Browncoats booth was a long long ways away. It’s easily a ½ mile away.  I was tired and had a very full filling day.

I responded something like ‘thanks, but no thanks’.  I found a place to sit and watched people and basked in a job well done.  Then it dawned on me.  I misread the text.  My friend, Ms Low Maintenance, who never asks for ANYTHING…wanted me to get an autograph for HER. I felt like an idiot.

I gathered my crap and hustled down stairs and across the expo floor to the Browncoats booth.  Luckily I knew where it was. Luckily it’s toward the back of the convention center where the crowds are thin. Luckily I made great time. Luckily nothing. I was too late. I missed out.

I texted my friend the bad news. Then I looked through the program guide and saw that Seanan was signing in the Sails Pavilion on Sunday. Ah ha! A chance for redemption.

Sunday. I had a mission.  I got in line.

The signing was a group of authors.  They are lined up across a couple of tables.  Books were being sold. Because I was early I got a free book.  The people selling the books gave away free versions of Morgan Rhodes new book.  Morgan Rhodes was at the table. I got that signed. Yeah me.

Not long later I got Seanan to sign a couple of books; one for my friend and one for me.  Somehow, Seanan and I talked about WorldCon and the Hugos.  She told me she had set a record for most nominations in a year.  She asked if I voted.  She suggested I vote.  Not for her specifically, although she wouldn’t mind that…she wanted to ensure I upheld my duties and voted.

After making vague promises about voting, I left and texted my friend that I got a book signed her.


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Vic Mignogna #SDCC 2013

So right after Sandhal, I pass the Lightspeed booth and VicMignogna was there and no one in line.  I’ve passively wanted him for a while. I’ve either missed him or he’s cancelled or I ran out of time or his scheduled changed.

Now was the time. I had nowhere I needed to be at the moment and I still had a little money in my pockets.

He was a super nice guy. He would have talked as long as I wanted. He stood the whole time and really seemed engaged with what I was saying. And even though all those things were going for me, I had nothing to say.  I hate that. At times, I’m clever and chatty and other times I’m a dud.  Oh well, I got my autograph.


Monday, September 16, 2013

Sandahl Berman #SDCC 2013

It’s Sunday morning.  I slept in. I didn’t even attempt to get in line for Supernatural or Dr Who. I was pretty tired but also pretty satisfied with my show so far. I was just checking out the floor.

As I moved from ‘here’ to ‘there’ I passed my old friend the Holzheimer’s booth.  And there I saw someone I didn’t expect, Sandahl Berman.  My friends at the booth didn’t mention she would be signing.  I was happy that I ran across her.  As I said before, there are usually less people in line at the booth than on the autograph floor.

I stopped and I got her autograph.  She looked great.  She was flirty. She talked about being a dancer, about long legs but no breasts.  She shook my hand and she had the coldest hands I have ever felt in summer.  I felt so bad about her cold hands.  She was flirty. Yeah, I know I said that already.

Then I left.

A month later I ran across her again in Houston.  I needed to get her to sign a baseball for a friend.  She was a sweetie.  She talked with everyone.  She told tales about fellow actors.  And she flirted with EVERYONE.

She mentioned she had been meeting a lot of moms lately.  The moms all recognized her because of the posters their sons had on the wall. she also mentioned that the moms didn't really know why she was on their son’s walls.  Pretty funny.  Did I mention she flirted with everyone?

When I got to talk to her she was flattered to be signing a baseball.  Something she hadn’t done before.  I mentioned I saw her at SDCC and her cold hands.  She grabbed mine and this time they were warmer but still very cold. I told her I thought about being her gloves.  She smiled and hugged me because I was such a nice guy to even think that.

By now, she had a long line so I excused myself said goodbye.  


Friday, September 13, 2013

Thrilling Adventure Hour #SDCC 2013

After I got Anne Rice, I headed over to Nerd HQ to pick up the wife.  She was still in line for Evangeline Lilly’s book signing so I sat and people watched.

When the wife was done I greedily looked over the signed books. Then I took her out to dinner.  I feasted her on the fine cuisine of PetCo Park. We got a couple of turkey sandwiches from one of the vendor.  Yes, I spared no expense.  Even though we were running behind, we sat and chatted about the day.

I had bought some tickets to see Thrilling Adventure Hour (TAH).  I never heard of them.  I think I came across them when I was looking over the lists of panels at Nerd HQ.  As I was trying to figure out what they were, I saw the magic words (no, not jelly babies) ‘autograph’.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Evangeline Lilly #SDCC 2013 Nerd HQ

This is not my tale to tell. The wife had this adventure. She wrote all of it except for the parts she didn’t.

I relinquish the keyboard to her...

Sigh…ComicCon.  Not really my thing.  I go.  Mostly because my husband will have TOO good of a time without me.  Well, maybe that’s not the total truth.  He does have a good time there. I just want to share and there are some things at ComicCon I enjoy too.

When I first started to go, everything was smaller and easier.  You didn’t need to wait in line forever. You could move from room to room as you wanted.    Now the whole event is waiting and waiting and hoping you make it into a panel you wanted to see.

My ComicCon trip is complete if I see The Big Bang Theory panel.   True Blood and Game of Thrones are bonuses.  This year, I did see Big Bang but I missed out on the other two; although I did get to see Joe Manganiello at Nerd HQ.  My husband surprised me by getting a ticket to Joe’s panel.  I really enjoyed that.

What I didn’t realize, this was part of a bigger plan.  He actually had me scoping out the place for the Evangeline Lilly book signing.  The love of my life also got me a ticket to the Evangeline panel.  The goal was to get a couple of her books signed.  While my husband was busy getting Tom Cruise’s autograph, I was to get Evangeline’s.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Anne Rice #SDCC 2013

Still on the high from Tom Cruise, I got in line for Anne Rice.  I have wanted her for a long time.  I enjoyed her book, Interview with a Vampire.  It’s amazing how it reshaped the Vampire archetype.

Again, this was not something I had planned on but the raffle tickets were still available and I picked one up. I actually felt bad as I had 3 others I couldn’t use. There was another signing for Ender’s Game (different cast members) at the Legendary Booth that conflicted with Edge of Tomorrow. George RR Martin, I just blew off as I felt I had a great chance to get him at WorldCon.  Robert Kirkman I really wanted but I had more conflicts. For Kirkman I know the line would be extremely long and by the time I got out I would be late for a date with my wife.

The line for Anne Rice was short. Since you could buy/bring as many books as you wanted it moved slowly.  Luckily books were being sold at the table. By the time I got up to the front the selections were slim. I bought The Wolf Gift in trade.

Anne was pleasant. She listened as people tried to tell her how much her books moved them.  I just wanted the book and the signature. I thanked her. I told her I never got to New Orleans for her Vampire’s Ball.  She said I must go sometime.  I said hopefully soon. I know I would enjoy the people watching.

I left with yet another book in my backpack.  I walked to meet my wife at Herd HQ. Saturday was almost over.


Monday, September 9, 2013

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland #SDCC 2013

Never thought I’d get a winning raffle ticket for Once Upon a Time in Wonderland.  Yes, I would have preferred the original series but any free autograph is relished.  Again, this was a case of people giving up.  I came back to the Sail Pavilion after getting Grant Imahara’s auto. I saw there were still people holding the canvas bags.  I hustled over and picked up a few different winning tickets.

The worst thing about the ABC booth:  they had no room for people to queue up.  Someone from the booth took a group of us to a place far away to wait.  I think we were even forgotten about for a while. While we were waiting security came by and tried to disperse us.  The group refused to leave.  It’s always interesting to see people refuse.  Civil disobedience.  Higher level security came by and we still refused to move.  Someone contacted the booth and a representative came by and spoke with security and defused the ‘crisis’.

Friday, September 6, 2013

John Ratzenberger #SDCC 2013

Some people just want to mess with your calm…

As I stood in line for John Ratzenberger, the guy in front of me was very excited. He talked constantly, mostly to himself.  He tried to engage others in conversation but somehow didn’t understand that ‘conversation’ implies dialogue, which means going two ways.  The others quickly dropped him from the dialogue and he really didn’t notice.

The line might have been short, only because John just got there.  He was laying out photos with the help of his handler when I arrived.   Once the line started, it moved.  Not quickly, nor slowly, but it moved.  People had a lot of memories to share with John.  As I eavesdropped, I mostly heard comments about the Pixar movies.  The crowd was too young to remember Cheers.

As I glanced among the couple of dozen photos John brought, I found one I really liked.  I knew it was the one to get signed.  How can you turn down a photo with him and the characters he voiced?   

As I decided which photo, the guy in front of me decided I wanted to talk.  With only a 3 or 4 people in front of me, I figured how bad could it be?  And it wasn’t torturous by anyway means.   I didn’t encourage him but I didn’t ignore him.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

4th Dr cosplay #SDCC 2013

No autographs were harmed in the making of this vignette. Actually, no autographs were had in the making of this vignette.

I’m standing in the short line for Grant Imahara minding my own business.  As the norm, I’m people watching. I noticed a cosplayer.  Cosplay is big and mostly because of the buxom young women about to expose themselves on the SDCC expo floor.  But not all cosplay is from young females.

The real Tom Baker
never got a photo of the cosplayer
This cosplayer was mid thirty’s, tall, and slightly heavier than the character he portrayed.  The long scarf, frock coat, and floppy hat were instantly recognizable as Tom Baker’s Doctor. The cosplayer even had the curly locks and some of the mannerisms of this Doctor.

This cosplayer was representing My Doctor.   The Doctor I have watched for years and years.  The Doctor that had me carrying a yo-yo when I was 17 years old. The Doctor that had me whistling The Bridge of River Kwai tune.  The Doctor that taught me to ask: what’s the point of being an adult if you can’t act childish (much to the bane of my wife)?

One of the things about the Baker Doctor that amused me was the depthless pockets in his coat. He had anything and everything in there.  A favorite scene is Baker emptying his pockets in a weapons check. He pulled many items out including a partially eaten apple as he made a small pile on the table.

As this cosplayer passed, I was intrigued; as intrigued as I was with the real 4th Doctor.  He chatted with people as he walked.  He tipped his hat.  He had that infectious Baker smile and made a somewhat googly-eyed face.  I said that he had a great outfit.  He nodded his thanks and continued on his way.  He was 2 or 3 steps away when I blurted out that all he needed was some jelly babies.

That stopped him.  He turned back and quietly told me I said the magic word.  He pulled out an iconic small brown paper bag from one of his depthless pockets. The top of the bag rolled down to allow easy access.  He offered it to me; much like The Doctor did in several episodes.

I glanced in. I saw some small bits of black licorice.  Normally, I would have refused.  A stranger with candy?  At ComicCon?  Who knows what germs were lurking in this innocent looking bag.  What better incubator than sugary candy?

But this was My Doctor. I trusted this Doctor with my life. I carefully reached in and extracted a piece without touching any of the others.

I asked if it was poisoned, another reference to Baker.  He smiled again. I played along well.

Continuing to take my cue from the Baker character, I fearlessly popped the candy into my mouth and bit down. He walked off.  I realized this wasn’t licorice or a gummy bear but a jelly baby.

In my surprise, I squeaked out: that was a REAL jelly baby!

He turned and with a flourish he removed his hat and bowed.  I heard him say:  But of course, what else would you expect?  Then he disappeared into the crowd.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Defiance Grant Bowler and Stephanie Leonidas #SDCC 2013

Light Speed Fine Arts booth bought Stephanie Leonidas and Grant Bowler to their booth.  Frustratingly, Light Speed wasn’t big on the details of when.  So Saturday, as I was racing past their booth in a vain attempt to get into another raffle, I saw the place names for these actors on the table.

After I was done racing, I circled back to the booth and got Grant Bowler to sign. His accent caught me by surprise. By now I should know everyone in Hollywood is from somewhere overseas. Crassly I mentioned his ascent. You could just tell by the glint in his eye he was going to tell me that I had the ascent. But I think he saw that I saw what was coming.  So he didn’t.  Did that even make sense?

He asked if I watched the show. Then he asked if I played the game.  I said no to the game.  Then I flipped it back to him. He said he did play and he enjoyed it.

Then he pointed to his costar and asked if I recognized her. I told him only because of the photos in from of her.  He said, now she has an ascent.

So I took my cue and slid on over to Stephanie Leonidas.  Her dark hair looked almost unnatural after watching a season of red hair on her. In fact, I didn’t see the same person at all.  She smiled and since she seemed so different I had nothing to say.  Imagine that, me bashful.  I’m sure I said SOMETHING but I’m not sure what.  I’m sure she smiled back politely at whatever I said.

Then it back to the races.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Grant Imahara #SDCC 2013

I love the program guide and the 'Around the Booths' section. It’s like Christmas for me. I get my badge and accompanying paraphernalia and I anxiously wait for the time when I can search through it for the treasures it contains.

Grant Imahara was one of those treasures.  He was appearing at the League of Steam booth.  Something I would have never known about except for the 'Around the Booths' section.

The first autograph I got on Saturday was this one. The League of Steam booth had a great location but somehow wasn’t getting a lot of traffic.  All the better for me.  The line was short.  They gave me a small photo for Grant to sign and I even got a minute to chat with grant.

I said the usually blah blah blah about myth Busters. Then I said I would love more science. He slightly turned in a defensive gesture and said they have a balancing act between entertainment and science.  Translate: blowing up stuff versus educating the public.  Okay, it’s an old dead horse and doesn’t need to be beaten. I get it. But I HAD to say it. 

When he saw I didn’t continue he mentioned that every now and then they sneak a chalk board into a shot with the ‘science stuff’ on it. Before I left, he did say, I should check out the League of Steam.  Which I did.  Grant had appeared in a webisode or two. Looking over their site, they are a much better production than I expected.  While corny, it was entertaining.



Monday, September 2, 2013

Sleepy Hollow #SDCC 2013

The drama of the Adrienne Barbeau signing caused this to be a blur. As I debated skipping out on Adrienne, this was the signing I wanted to attend.

The Fox booth line moves fast and I knew that. Lines are a mysterious and dangerous thing at SDCC.  Often there is no room to queue up at a booth.  The line will start somewhere that does not block pedestrian traffic.  Sometimes that line is out of sign of the booth.

The people managing the line for Fox on the expo floor were not very helpful.  I’m not sure if they are volunteers or just low level flunkies that didn’t care but they struggled with line management.  They told me that the signing hadn’t started when it had.

Regardless, I worked through the confusion and the line and got my autographs.  The big name for me was Orlando Jones. I’m very happy he was there.  Earlier in the day, I missed a booth appearance for him.  I just couldn’t get back to the booth in time.

Because this was a blur and I was trying to get back in time for the other signing, I have no real clue who signed.  I don’t really remember much.  I’m pretty sure I got Tom Mison,  Nicole Beharie (who is stunningly beautiful – I do remember that) ,  Orlando Jones,  Alex Kurtsman,  Roberto Orci,  and Len Wiseman.  Maybe Philip Iscove too...maybe.  I know there are 8 signatures on the poster. I do know Clancy Brown was NOT there. I would have geeked out all over him and then Adrienne would have been forgotten.

At the end of the line, I even got a nice t-shirt promoting the series. That shirt has since gone to the neighbor girl that cat sits for us.